Smartply Europe Ltd Renewal Project Phase 2 – External Dyer & Energy Plant Works are continuing on the installation of a new Oriented Strand Board (OSB) Dryer, with an associated Heat Energy Plant, sized to provide heat energy for both strand drying and thermal oil heating at Smartply Europe, Belview. While the new Dryer will replace four existing dryers and screens located inside the main factory building its size mans that it has to be located in a separate area external to the existing building. The associated Energy Plant provides hot air to the Dryer and is fuelled from new fuel storage bins located in close proximity to the Dryer. The provision of the new equipment and the relocation of the Energy Plant also requires site works including the relocation of an access road and a drainage channel. The plant and equipment associated with the new Drying Plant includes: • Wet flake storage bins • Dust cyclones • Fans and motors • Thermal Oil Building • MCC Building • Water Distribution Building • Screening and blending equipment The new Dryer will improve the quality of the OSB wood flakes and increase dwell time in the Dryer for more efficient and uniform drying. Malone O’Regan Consulting Engineers are providing Civil, Structural, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Services in addition to acting in the role of Cost Managers from feasibility to completion of the project.