The Primary Care Centre Facility will provide for Health Service Executive health and social care services, a General Practice, associated consultation rooms, administration offices, staff accommodation, reception rooms and ancillary uses. The development also includes a pharmacy unit and a Community Rescue Centre. Malone O’Regan Consulting Engineers provided full civil and structural engineering services from planning stage through to construction and handover. The existing pond to the south of the site was assessed for potential use as part of a Sustainable Urban Drainage System approach during the planning design stage. Resulting in the use of the pond as a natural storm water retention element for the development. The building structure consists of a reinforced concrete frame, hollow-core pre-cast concrete slabs, load bearing blockwork and piled foundations with localised areas of structural steel work. Architects for the development are Gittens Murray Architects based in Kilkenny. The recreational facilities on site consist of the provision of a school sports practice field and associated works, landscape works and, improvements to the existing open space and ponds to form a new public park.